Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Query: blogs as primary online interaction tool?

    Nancy White from Full Circle asks (on the Well, in the blog conference): Are any of you familiar with a community of practice that uses a blog or a collection of blogs as their primary form of online interaction tool? If so, I’m very interested in talking to them as part of a tech study…

  • Blogging: What is it and Why Should You Care

    I nearly forgot I’m speaking at the N-TEN regional conference in SF tomorrow (Friday, August 20): N-TEN : 2004 SF Conference: Blogging

  • Scot Hacker's MTBlogMail plugin

    My friend Scot runs a hosting service at and I’ve got a little skunkworks operation over there at I’ve decided that I’m ging to use that domain name and server to begin with for my mailing list needs. I’ve got an list set up and soon I will offer a way for…

  • CIA, Bush in blog flap, says Onion

    The Onion | CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog: On Saturday, Basham asked to pre-screen all blog activity before Bush posts it online. Bush rejected Basham’s request and later that day wrote in his blog that “Some people who shall remain nameless apparently do not know there is such a thing as free speech in…

  • a great six-foot-two hole in my world

    B watched the slideshow today with voiceover by William “Grimey” Grimes and found it sterile. I pointed her to Julie Powell’s much more personal rememberance at The Julie/Julia Project.

  • Do SecState’s usually avoid conventions?

    Can we read anything into this report (Colin Powell will skip GOP convention)? Brings to mind Bill Maher’s recent quip about Keyes running for senator in Illinois, to the effect that the Republicans couldn’t find Osama, couldn’t find weapons of mass destruction, and couldn’t find an African-American in Chicago.