Category: Radio Free Blogistan
The inevitable wifi complaint
We’re up in the nosebleeds in the Fleet Center all bitching about the flakey wifi. I’ve finally got my connection working (apparently), by making up a suitable IP number (and changing it when the DHCP server reassigns mine to someone else). At one of the two bloggers’ breakfasts I attended this morning there were cameramen…
Baseball as metaphor
Though I grew up in New York rooting for the Yankees, I found myself strangely pulling for the Bosox this evening. Kerry threw out the first ball (it bounced and the catcher missed it) and there were all kinds of Red Sox Fans for Kerry and similar signage being handed out. What with the Republican…
Me plugged in
George snapped this one of me recharging my iBook, Tuatha de Danaan, with his power outlet: J.D. Lasica posted a bunch of great photos at New Media Musings. I’ll get around to posting my famous patented blurry / “action” photos when I get a moment free (ha!). Reminder to self: I still have George’s power…
RFB turns two
I have to check the date, but I’m pretty sure that today is Radio Free Blogistan’s second anniversary.
Access junkie
While waiting for my luggage to emerge at Logan I paid $7 or 8 to get the wifi access I’m using to post this relatively content-free entry. It’s only 4:15 California time, so I’d better sleep at some point today. There is a get-together for bloggers tonight in a bar but my friend has Yankees…
BlogOn techie backchannel flap aftermath
One of the people I met during BlogOn whose blogging I admire is Sean Bonner, but I do remember being puzzled when posted to the irc backchannel something about how “the cameraman is an ass.” I posted “Hey, that’s Scot Hacker. He’s a friend of mine and he’s a great guy.” The reply was something…