Category: Salon Bloggers
Lott is toast Politics | Lott’s amnesia On Tuesday, on the racist Web site, past Lott supporter Richard Barrett expressed offense that Lott would retract his remarks and try to portray Thurmond’s candidacy as anything other than what it was. “The reason that you have been elected is because you have been a segregationist, pitted against…
Quality Tour Help: Yesterday
Quality Tour Help: Yesterday someone posted an article on a mail list they had created for Sloggers and I wanted to check it out. Please notify me if you know where this is. “The way it should work,” Schlagowsky told me,
I often dream of air raids
Robyn Hitchcock daydreams as this week’s celebrity guest diary at Slate. Link courtesy of She’s Actual Side, Nationwide, Believe. Given that she has now outed herself as a Robyn fan, and her blog name gives away her TMBG allegiance, I am going to go out on a limb and guess that she is also a…
Facilitating the community
Different Strings is kick-starting some Salon-blogger networking tools, a mailing list and a webring: Salon Bloggers at Yahoo!Groups I thought it might be fun to have a mailing list for the authors/editors/owners (whatever it is we call ourselves *g*) of Salon Blogs, so I set one up. If you’d like to join, you can use…
Meta enough for you?
Lately, the Reverse Cowgirl has been blogging about the process of making a rough TV pilot for the prospective cable show inspired by her blog. The very fact of metablogging a blog tv show about your blog on your blog by itself was enough to make my head spin, but the fact that in so…
Redesigning salonika
I’m doing some maintenance around “this old blog,” tweaking the main design and planning a new version of my Salon blogs category, salonika. The problem with the current approach is that Radio’s news aggregator encodes certain special characters that Radio’s DHTML whizzy interface inserts into blog entries, and then recodes them or unencodes them differently…