Category: Weblog Concepts

  • My gut on RDF

    I need to read Shelley’s book, because I’m still fairly clueless about RDF. While I think it’s silly to harp on colons in the format (would <a:href> really be all that hard to type or understand if that had been the format for HTML?), I have some vague sense that resistance to RDF along the…

  • Infidelity requires stealth

    Looks like ABCnews is carrying some TechTV articles, such as this one about an unfaithful blogger who posted to a private anonymous journal about her infidelity but forgot to clear her browser cache. Personal to the author of the article, it’s Justin Hall, not Jason.

  • The true future of blogging

    Rageboy describes himself to his fantasy woman and suddenly groks the true future of blogging, where it recedes once again out of the vulgar public sphere and returns once again to where it always belonged: sweet one-on-one pillow-talk lies, snuggled down deep and comfy between creamy satin sheets. Dig it.

  • Never apologize, dude!

    I think no weblogger should ever feel the need to apologize for not posting something to their blog ever day, least of all the big Z.

  • The secret of blogging

    While waxing prolix over on my personal journal friends and family deep thoughts and vacation schedules blog about hearing people singing words I wrote just a week or two ago (it’s freaky), I stumbled across the secret of blogging: By the way, you know what the secret of blogging is? You just put a stake…

  • Feh. A pox on all their rules

    In rules? i don’t need no stinkin’ rules!, Liz Lane Lawley questions the proliferation of ethical rules, guidelines, and suggestions for weblogging, seeing them as overly declarative and restrictive for a medium that is so self-directed and self-correcting: I don’t want a rulebook. I have my own sense of right and wrong in my head,…