Category: Best Practices
Google as OS
Every few years some new technological framework comes along to challenge Microsoft’s dominance of the desktop. Since the advent of the Internet, Microsoft has managed to fight off Netscape (IE), Java (.Net), application service providers (Hotmail), remote process calls (SOAP), and U.S. antitrust law (Bush). OK, I’m waving my hands here. Not all these things…
Content architecture for business blogs
Dave Pollard’s been doing some heavy thinking on how best to use weblogs in the workplace, to enable employees to “publish their filing cabinets.” He’s got some useful diagrams illustrating the content architecture he recommends. Any blogger (or k-loggers) would recognize his scheme as a variation on the familiar weblog format that has emerged in…
Server back up
Well, I don’t know what was wrong with my DNS or Apache configuration, but whatever it was it seems to be working correctly now, thank Murphy. I’ve been getting some poignant messages from a friend in Iraqi Kurdistan. He and his family are headed from Erbil into the countryside to avoid, if possible, the ravages…
My server appears to be down
As of right now none of my web domains appear accessible, although I still seem to have FTP access to my Open Publishing server. I’m x-posting this to RFB’s usernum address on the Salon community server (0001111). I’m depressed about the war. Working hard. Conference coming up. Lots to post about. Server down. Figures. Positive…
Mac view of my Linux server
Silly me, I just realized I could connect to my remote web host directly as a server and then thumb through the site in the OS X interface. This should be obvious but I just put two and two together.
Safari debug menu
Steve Champeon took a moment out of his busy life to post this to webdesign-l today. Kinda cool: Here’s a neat trick, for those of you using Safari. If you want to see the debug menu (which includes goodies like a DOM tree viewer and a “snippet viewer”, which lets you take a snippet of…