Category: Clients

  • Extractable mobile website case study to be featured at IA Summit

    The IA Summit proposal review board recently approved a presentation I proposed on “Mobile IA” using as a case study the mobile website we developed for HTC America. There’s a lot of interest in the IA community about developing for new interfaces as the Web increasing goes mobile, into our media centers, and so on.…

  • Google buys JotSpot

    Google is getting serious about its online groupware offerings, adding JotSpot to Writely (now part of their Docs and Spreadsheets offering). CNet has more as some analysis including a mention of Wetpaint the hosted wiki service that drives our client HTC’s user-community site.

  • Where no user has gone before

    This article in UX Matters talks about designing breakthrough products and offers some interesting ideas on innovation and solving problems that sometimes people don’t even realize they have. Bonus Extractable content: One of the case studies is Vocera, a client of ours that makes a Star Trek-like ubiquitous communication system. The homepage of the website…

  • Mobility Today Podcast interview with David Smith

    David Smith is the director of marketing for HTC America, whose site we are redesigning. (We recently relaunched the site with an interim design but we’ve got great things in the works for later this year.) HTC makes incredible smartphone and pocketpc “converged devices” and generated a lot of buzz on enthusiast blogs and websites.…

  • MobileCrunch blog

    Since we began working with HTC and since I got my Cingular 2125, I’ve been sort of obsessed with the topic of developing sites for the mobile web, and with developments in the mobile space in general. Recently Dan pointed me to the relatively new MobileCrunch blog, and I’ve become, well, addicted. Recommended.

  • Redesigned Visa Europe Launched

    Today Visa launched their redesigned Visa Europe site. Extractable was heavily involved in the building of this site (though not the design). This included some of our most advanced CSS/XHTML work ever, TeamSite templates, app development and daily support with a international client.

  • Safe by a mile

    The redesigned Safe Credit Union web site is live and looking great. Awesome job Extractable!

  • American First Credit Union site launches!

    We’re pleased to announce a successful site launch: American First Credit Union. Congratulations to the team that designed, developed, and deployed the site!