Category: Events

  • Super friends

    Super friends

    Between recording sessions and working for the state, I’ve been planning a redux of the one-day remote Design in Product conference and just posted a video over on Linky-Din promoting it.

  • In the public sector, what’s the product?

    In the public sector, what’s the product?

    UX Lisbon has now put up online their video of my closing talk from last year’s conference. I listened to it again this morning and I think it holds up and still captures how I feel about the work I am doing. I will be giving an updated and vastly briefer version of this talk…

  • Sketchnotes 2011

    Sketchnotes 2011

    Recently, my colleague Jerome Domurat showed me this bound collection of Eva-Lotta Lamm’s sketchnotes and I was pleased to be reminded of the beautiful one-pager she did of my “Playful Design” talk from UX Lisbon: Christian Crumlish: Playful Design at UXLX, a photo by evalottchen on Flickr.

  • ‘Leonardo’ talk featured in August 2011 IA Institute Newsletter

    ‘Leonardo’ talk featured in August 2011 IA Institute Newsletter

    The IA Institute reports that they added the slides and video from my keynote at the Italian IA Summit to the institute’s library, in the latest issue of the monthly IA Institute Newsletter.

  • UXLx 2011 video passes available

    If you missed UX Lisbon this year, you can now a buy a pass that gets you access to more than six hours of video from the presenters, as excerpted in this UXLx 2011 highlights reel: At just under €50, that sounds like a bargain to me. Check it out!

  • We are all Leonardo now (live) (recorded)

    We are all Leonardo now (live) (recorded)

    Video of my keynote from the Italian IA Summit 2011 in Milan.

  • UX Lisbon notes in Usability Talks

    UX Lisbon notes in Usability Talks

    Claudia Oster took some keen notes and a posted a few great photos from the morning half of the main day at UX Lisbon this year, including a brief write-up of my talk, Playful Design, at Usability Talks.

  • Start using UX as a weapon (at the Web 2.0 Expo in SF)

    Erin and I delivered our first-ever Web 2 Expo keynote (I called us “The Sonny and Cher of UX”) in San Francisco toward the end of last month: Here are the slides we showed to accompany our banter: Start Using UX as a Strategic Weapon View more presentations from erin malone

  • Lisbon, here we come!

    The organizers of User Experience Lisbon have kindly invited me to come to Portugal next May (11-13), to teach a Designing Social Interfaces workshop. It looks like I’ll be in good company (this are just the folks they’ve announced so far):

  • Designing for Play (updated for Web Directions @media)

    I gave the latest version of my Designing for Play talk at the @media conference (now run by the amazing John Allsopp / Maxine Sherrin team famed for their other fantastic Web Directions events) in London two weeks ago and was very pleased with the comments and feedback I got. The sage Scott Berkun even…

  • Designing for Play slides from WebVisions 2010

    Wow, WebVisions was amazing, as was Portland, and the hospitality of my friends there and the organizers of the conference. Thanks to everyone who made it possible! (I mean, Ukepalooza – say no more.) Here are the slides from my talk, Designing for Play:

  • A full schedule at WebVisions

    Arrived in Portland yesterday and did some prep for one of my gigs at WebVisions, the Ukepalooza set I’m playing with Bill DeRouchey as the duo “Cheeses & Tequila.” This morning Erin and I are teaching our Designing Social Interfaces workshop. Tomorrow is Ukepalooza, and then immediately afterward I’ll be doing my aptly named Designing…

  • The vision thing in Portland

    I’m pretty excited to be heading up to Portland for the first time to speak at Web Visions for the first time in May. Erin Malone and I will be doing our Designing Social Interfaces workshop (which includes learning and playing the Social Mania game), and I’ll be giving a talk on the subject of…

  • Talking social patterns with thriving UX communities in London and Berlin

    Talking social patterns with thriving UX communities in London and Berlin

    A week or so ago I undertook a whirlwind visit to the UK and the Continent, giving two presentations about design patterns and social design, one in London on Tuesday, and another in Berlin on Thursday, each event sponsored by YDN (and the one in Germany co-sponsored by the local IxDA group). The London event…

  • Resisting the baroque temptation and design is harder than it looks, at BayCHI in February

    This coming February 9 is approximately my one-year anniversary as co-chair of BayCHI’s monthly program and so far I’m enjoying the responsibility a great deal, even with the occasional panic that sets in when each new cycle rolls around. The BayCHI Program for February features Elaine Wherry from Meebo and Jeff Green from EA. Elaine…

  • Presenting social patterns to patternistas at PLoP

    Social Design For Patternistas View more documents from Christian Crumlish. Last week I was in Chicago for PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programs) 2009, co-located with the Agile conference. PLoP is a unique conference, in some ways more like a funky academic confab than a typical tech industry conference. Most of the time is spent in…

  • See me speak at IDEA 2009

    The IDEA Conference looks at the intersection of physical and information space and wonders how you design experiences for that. At IDEA we’ll combine a straightforward presentation of the ideas in Designing Social Interfaces with an interactive quasi-workshop activity involving play-testing a prototype card game we’re designing.

  • How may organizations learn?

    At Overlap in Asilomar last weekend, Jay Cross asked the question, “How can we improve learning in organizations?” and filmed a number of us trying to answer that question. Here’s the just-under-ten-minutes YouTube cut: (For my extensive roster of fanboys and stalkers, my segments are approximately 4:23 – 5:16 and 7:20 – 8:36.)

  • BT intent on his monitor

    BT intent, originally uploaded by xian. A snapshot of the evening entertainment last night at Yahoo! for the kickoff of the iPhoneDevCamp 3.

  • Slides from Designing Social Interfaces at IA Summit 2009

    Erin Malone and I introduced some of the fruit of our effort to carve out a pattern language for social user experience design. At the Information Architecture Summit in Memphis this past week we taught our pattern library workshop and then delivered this tandem presentation: Designing Social Interfaces View more presentations from Erin Malone.

  • Open Hackday 08 begins

    hackday stage Originally uploaded by xian. I’m going to name the robots Foo and Bar. We still haven’t announced the musical act that will be performing on this stage tonight. So far I’ve heard Cody Simms and Neal Sample (Cody and Neal, hmmm….) give a great overview of YOS (with great visuals by Micah Laaker),…