Category: Events
Super friends
Between recording sessions and working for the state, I’ve been planning a redux of the one-day remote Design in Product conference and just posted a video over on Linky-Din promoting it.
In the public sector, what’s the product?
UX Lisbon has now put up online their video of my closing talk from last year’s conference. I listened to it again this morning and I think it holds up and still captures how I feel about the work I am doing. I will be giving an updated and vastly briefer version of this talk…
‘Leonardo’ talk featured in August 2011 IA Institute Newsletter
The IA Institute reports that they added the slides and video from my keynote at the Italian IA Summit to the institute’s library, in the latest issue of the monthly IA Institute Newsletter.
We are all Leonardo now (live) (recorded)
Video of my keynote from the Italian IA Summit 2011 in Milan.
UX Lisbon notes in Usability Talks
Claudia Oster took some keen notes and a posted a few great photos from the morning half of the main day at UX Lisbon this year, including a brief write-up of my talk, Playful Design, at Usability Talks.
BT intent on his monitor
BT intent, originally uploaded by xian. A snapshot of the evening entertainment last night at Yahoo! for the kickoff of the iPhoneDevCamp 3.
Open Hackday 08 begins
hackday stage Originally uploaded by xian. I’m going to name the robots Foo and Bar. We still haven’t announced the musical act that will be performing on this stage tonight. So far I’ve heard Cody Simms and Neal Sample (Cody and Neal, hmmm….) give a great overview of YOS (with great visuals by Micah Laaker),…