Category: Events
What's the big IDEA?
I’ve been meaning to mention the IA Institute’s upcoming IDEA 2006 conference. (It stands for Information: Design, Experience, Access.) It’s being held at the Seattle Public Library, Central Library on October 23-24. I have a feeling I’ll be too busy to make it, but it looks intriguing and I’ll at least try to follow it…
Recordings from the IA Summit
Livia Labate, from Comcast, posted recordings of a number of sessions from this year’s Information Architecture summit in her blog I think, therefore IA.
Web 2.0 Controversy – Tim O'Reilly Responds
In case you missed it, the Blogosphere was abuzz last week about the apparent trademarking of “Web 2.0” and subsequent cease-and-desist sent to IT@Cork (a non-profit networking organisation) who’d organized a recent conference. As a recap (clipped from) [The] upcoming Web 2.0 half-day conference is the target of a cease and desist letter from the…
Craig McLaughlin to Judge 2006 WebAwards
Congratulations to Craig for being selected as a judge for the 10th annual Web Marketing Association International WebAwards! The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets industry benchmarks based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. It recognizes the individual and team achievements of Web professionals who create and maintain outstanding Web sites.…
IA Summit Wrapup at Boxes and Arrows
The venerable user experience webzine Boxes and Arrows has come out with its comprehensive wrapup of the 2006 IA Summit. A few of the writeups there are by me (coverage of a pre-conference session on prototyping with comics that I first wrote about here on this blog, coverage of two presentations, and coverage of a…
Social and Personal Search (at BayCHI)
Dan and I are heading down to PARC this evening for Beyond Search – Social & Personal Ways of Finding Information, a BayCHI event: Several exciting developments in social search and personalization help users find information: recommendations based on personal tastes, social trends, tags, ratings, popularity, and friends tastes. These methods go beyond the classic…
DCamp is BarCamp for Experience Design
I’ve been itching to attend an unconference since I heard about the first BarCamp, but they were mostly very heavily coder oriented and I’m a floaty-on-the-surface presentation-layer kind of guy, but then I read Rashi Sinha‘s announcement of DCamp (or maybe I saw the announcement in the BayCHI newsletter first) and I decided this sounds…
Extractable reprazent
uploaded by erin_designr. Erin Malone took this nice pic of me at the IA Summit. The summit was great. Learned a lot. Met very cool people. I’ll probably write up some key takeaways as I digest my thoughts over the next week or so. tags: iasummit2006, iasummit
Posters for the 2006 IA Summit
I’m headed up to Vancouver tomorrow for my first IA Summit. I’ll be presenting two posters there this time (one was submitted on our behalf by a former colleague). For posterity (and in case I lose the poster tube on the plane) here are links to the Acrobat files containing the two posters. Social Software…
Time between conferences
Here’s a snapshot of my panel at South by Southwest Interactive (D.I.Y. Media: Consumer is the Producer). Now I’ve got a few days to be productive before I’m off to Vancouver for the IA Summit.
Seminar in rich interactive web applications
More info at Silicon Valley WebGuild…
Upcoming conferences
The Extractable strategy team has a few conference appearances in the upcoming months. First, Christian and A’lan are both presenting posters at the upcoming IA Summit (March 23 to 27, in Vancouver): Social Software in the Enterprise – Christian Architecting to Users Concerns – A�lan Architecting from Values – A�lan & Christian Also Christian will…