Category: Games
Social Patterns II: The Social Interfacening…
It’s starting to feel like time to update ye old Designing Social Interfaces, so Erin Malone and I are talking to the kind editors at O’Reilly about doing a second edition. Because user experience, we are doing some research, including a survey. If you work with social interfaces, apps, websites, or experiences, please consider taking…
write prompt
my old enterzone pal Martha Conway has been tweeting things lately with hashtags like #writeprompt and #10minprompt and #amwriting. i love this! i want to play, so i just tweeted “The one thing I do know is…”
Sketchnotes 2011
Recently, my colleague Jerome Domurat showed me this bound collection of Eva-Lotta Lamm’s sketchnotes and I was pleased to be reminded of the beautiful one-pager she did of my “Playful Design” talk from UX Lisbon: Christian Crumlish: Playful Design at UXLX, a photo by evalottchen on Flickr.
Video of ‘Playful Design’ from UX Lisbon
Video of my talk in Lisbon this past spring.
UXLx 2011 video passes available
If you missed UX Lisbon this year, you can now a buy a pass that gets you access to more than six hours of video from the presenters, as excerpted in this UXLx 2011 highlights reel: At just under €50, that sounds like a bargain to me. Check it out!
‘Playful Design’ at UX Lisbon
Here are my slides from UX Lx. In the coming weeks, the video broadcast will be made available (for a small fee) at the UX Lisbon site, and sometime next year they will be shared freely in the ramp up to UX LX 2012.
Designing for Play (updated for Web Directions @media)
I gave the latest version of my Designing for Play talk at the @media conference (now run by the amazing John Allsopp / Maxine Sherrin team famed for their other fantastic Web Directions events) in London two weeks ago and was very pleased with the comments and feedback I got. The sage Scott Berkun even…
Resisting the baroque temptation and design is harder than it looks, at BayCHI in February
This coming February 9 is approximately my one-year anniversary as co-chair of BayCHI’s monthly program and so far I’m enjoying the responsibility a great deal, even with the occasional panic that sets in when each new cycle rolls around. The BayCHI Program for February features Elaine Wherry from Meebo and Jeff Green from EA. Elaine…
Slides from our mini-workshop at IDEA 2009
Designing Social Interfaces: 5 steps, 5 principles, 5 anti-patternsView more presentations from erin malone.