Category: User Experience
Miscellaneous tweetage
one unbook technique: put your book on github… lovingly hunting for bugs in the pattern library’s new design on the staging server omg! this Pattern Language of Group Process project/site/thing is amazing… need to dig into it further. wow, i’m acting like a loose cannon online these days… take a step back from…
Open source unbooks and a pattern language for groups
Two hot bookmarks today, each of which probably warrants a full blog post: Book’em, Github | Linux Magazine tech authors posting source code and sometimes entire books on GitHub Pattern Language of Group Process A pattern language for group dynamics whose goals include (1) To support Purpose-driven design. Form should follow function, (2) To deepen…
Good day for Twitter favorites
MaryHodder: RT @zephoria: “Are You F*cking Kidding Me?” is a hysterical song about Facebook/Twitter by Kate Miller-Heidke steveportigal: Delish: Sherry Turkle is Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT and a sociologi.. laughingsquid: hilarious @parislemon didn’t like @songadaymann’s @bing jingle, so @songadaymann made one about him davegray:…