Category: User Experience

  • IDEA Conference launches a blog

    I don’t know if I can make it to the IDEA conference, but if not, I look forward to reading about it on the IDEA Conference Blog. (Self-plug: I hacked the site’s design into WordPress templates to get the blog working for Peterme.)

  • 2007 SXSW Interactive Panel Proposal Picker (Round One)

    Hugh Forrest, the indomitable lead organizer of South by Southwest Interactive has announced a public process for voting on and vetting panel ideas for next year’s conference. Apparently it will take several rounds, with the first round narrowing down the 173 panel proposals. The voting is open to anyone, but the votes of past attendees…

  • Liz Danzico interviews Dan Saffer in Newsweek

    Liz Danzico of Boxes and Arrows interviews Dan Saffer about his Interaction Design book in Newsweek. Pretty mainstream, huh?

  • Going Mobile

    Digital Web Magazine has a brief article with tips on designing for the mobile interface.

  • Rapid prototyping, good; code generating, bad

    Austin Govella explains why Rapid prototyping tools should NOT generate code: Why would you need the prototyping tool to generate production code? Is there something about the code they would generate that would make it better than the custom code most applications require? Does the rapid prototyper’s code generator let me tell it how to…

  • User interface design for engineers

    Why do engineers blanch at creating UIs? Why do so many designers create UIs without understanding the underlying technology? Nate Kohari has some suggestions: A Crash Course in User Interfaces.

  • Update on Oz-IA conference and retreat

    Eric Scheid tells me, We’ve now announced the conference program, and it’s quite exciting – lots of practical sessions, by practitioners, for practitioners. Over the next few weeks we’ll be expanding the detail on each session. Over the next few weeks we’ll be expanding the detail on each session. Stay tuned for more news, sign…

  • OpenID event for developers in Berkeley

    Kaliya “Identity Woman” Hamlin writes: Webwide distributed SSO is finally happening… Learn more from the core guys behind this emerging standard for user-centric digital identity. August 10th 6-9 in Berkeley at 2029 University, Upstairs. RSVP to me kaliya (at) Mac (dot) com and please pass this along to those who might be interested… OpenID is…

  • Blogging interview with Extractable strategist

    Suzanne Stefanac is writing a book on blogging called Dispatches from Blogistan for Peachpit/New Riders. Naturally, she’s been blogging the whole process and posting snippets of work in progress and the texts of interviews she’s conducted for the book. I know Suzanne from The Well, where I host the blog conference and where I’m known…

  • Interview re microformats

    Microformats are standards-compliant structures based primarily on ordinary XHTML tag attributes (such as “rel=” in a link tag). The Knowledge@Wharton website features an excellent interview with Tantek

  • Yahoo launches corporate blog, 'Yodel Anecdotal'

    Interestingly, Yahoo is running their new Yodel Anecdotal corporate blog on WordPress (the same software we run this blog on) and not their own homegrown Yahoo 360 platform. Speaking of blogs, one of our clients recently asked us whether the old rule of thumb that a blog needs a new post every day is really…

  • Jakob says 1024 x 768 is cool

    We talk about what screen resolution to design for a lot of the time, and the compatability cops are always trying to keep us mired in the past, man, but now usability (and hairstyle) guru Jakob Nielsen gives us permission to optimize for 1024 x 768 (Screen Resolution and Page Layout (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox)). Of…

  • Friday UX links

    Postdated edition: 10 Foot World, Inc. (all about applications for Media Center’s ’10 foot interface’ 10 foot interface showdown A microstudy of tagging (Gene Smith discusses the physical tagging of nametags at this year’s IA Summit – includes an inset picture of my own tag cloud) SEO page ‘strength’ gauge (via atomiq) Writing vs. rewriting…

  • Web 2.0 'under reconstruction' icon-slash-movies

    The Iconfactory (via Digg, or reddit, or something)

  • Latest 'Polar Bear' survey up

    Beth Koloski, editorial assistant for the third edition of the Polar Bear book has posted an invitation to take another survey: To gather information for the next edition of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Lou Rosenfeld and Peter Morville have been surveying the IA community. The third survey, Software for IA, is now…

  • Socialtext open-sources its core wiki product

    I was going to post a link to this press release Socialtext Releases First Commercial Open Source Wiki | Socialtext Enterprise Wiki, when Dan pointed me to this CNet round-up of business-wiki related news. Looks like the idea is getting some traction in the business world. (One of our clients just pre-launched a wiki in…

  • Business process modeling tools

    A recent discussion on the IAI list got onto the subject of business process modeling, and the frustrations some folks have had with Rational Rose. Two recommendations for current tools were Processworks from Wizdom (uses the IDEF model), and IBM’s free Task Modeler (an Eclipse-based tool for modelling the user experience, (and for making DITA…

  • Friday UX links

    Seattle edition: User Interface Design – Taking the Good with the Bad (good Digital Web article about the inherent tradeoffs in UI design and why you can never please everyone Part one of jjg’s conversation with Steven Johnson Part one of Dan Saffer’s conversation with Dan Brown (they both have web design books out or…

  • Free content management webinar

    Scott Abel, Content Management Strategist at The Content Wrangler, Inc. alerted the community to a free webinar on Cutting Edge Web Content Management, July 26, 2006 at 2PM EST, to be presented by Ann Rockley, The Rockley Group: Developing and delivering dynamic, personalized content via the Web for superior customer service. Mountains of content. Multiple…

  • Progressive enhancement meets graceful degradation

    In response to a recent post by Thomas Vander Wal, in which he said, “One approach, which seems to be growing in popularity is [to build] sites that work and Ajax and scripting to augment and improve simplicity,” Austin Govella replied, writing The term of art for this is “progressive enhancement”. Often in contrast to…

  • Various approaches to 'asynchronous browse refinement un-selecting'

    Dan Klyn assembled a set of guided navigation UI widgets at his Wildly Appropriate blog back in January, introducing them by writing, “For a good long while now I’ve been meaning to create a spreadsheet or Flickr set or something which could serve as a systematic and comprehensive roundup of the UI widgets that folks…