Category: User Experience

  • Yahoo! Pattern and UI Libraries

    Yahoo! has really taken it to the next level in terms of reaching out to the developer community. As I mentioned earlier, there’s the new User Interface Blog and I coincidentally stumbled on the Graded Browser Support article around the same time. Digging deeper I found the Design Pattern Library which Yahoo! defines as “an…

  • Graded Browser Support

    Nate Koechley, Senior Web Developer for Yahoo! has written an interesting (if a bit high-level) article on what he’s calling “graded browser support”. Instead of using the more commong “graceful degradation” approach, Nate looks at browser support using a graded system. The system puts browsers into 3 seperate categories based on their distribution. See the…

  • Yahoo launches UI blog

    Since leading sites such as Yahoo and Google set expectations for users across the web, I’m glad to see that Yahoo is sharing their user-experience philosophy in the form of their new User Interface Blog.

  • IE7 to offer better CSS support

    Todd sent around this post from the IE team’s blog regarding the changes they made to CSS in IE7 Beta Preview, and this MSDN article that describes the changes in more depth, adding: I think the important thing to remember is that this isn

  • Wildly Appropriate IA blog

    I’ve been reading Dan Klyn’s blog, Wildly Appropriate (found it via his signature on an IA mailing list) recently and he’s a great source of valuable links and trenchant insights about user experience, findability, SEO, and related subjects. If I have one complaint about his blog, it’s that his Flash-font-replacement blog entry titles break my…

  • Greasemonkey gives the user more control over the UI

    Some interface designers may feel threatened by the idea of Greasemonkey scripts altering the intended look-and-feel of their web pages (at least in Firefox and Mozilla), but I like the idea of users getting more control over their experience (even if the scripts are brittle and sometimes hack-y), and in the best scenario I would…