Category: User Experience

  • Personal knowledge publishing and its uses in research

    Sébastien Paquet has written an article about the rise of personal knowledge publishing.

  • 'One million dollars!'

    Dylan Tweney hails The Death of the $1 Million Software Package in his latest Business 2.0 column: Back in the late 1990s, a software salesman could look you in the eye and say with a straight face that his company’s enterprise system would cost you $1 million. Mercifully, those days are over. … “Companies are…

  • Because I'm an insane idiot

    I’m downloading pMachine today and I’m going to see if it’s really as easy to install as they say. It seems clear that pMachine is positioning itself as a competitor to Movable Type (it has import scripts for MT and GreyMatter), angling for those who prefer PHP over perl. The implied architecture is impressive. The…

  • Seeing the future of CM

    Mediasavvy says the future of content management is open source (after attending the Open Source Content Management Conference, that is): As the computer industry moves in the direction of selling services, instead of hardware and software, open source begins to look like a great way to improve the value you deliver to customers. Meanwhile the…

  • It's Cory's world, we just live in it

    I was rereading by Cory Doctorow (after following Scott Rosenberg’s link to Andrew Googman on the death of metatags. As I mentioned in Scott’s comments, it’s keyword metatags that have the least efficacy and the most potential for gaming of indexers, although I agree with another commenter who suggested that they have a valid…

  • Blog for hogs?

    Would this give blogs street cred?: Marketing Magazine. Jim Carroll. Corporate weblogs. It likely won’t be too long before we see an official Harley-Davidson blog that features ongoing commentary, news and updates from an “evangelist” within the Harley organization. Featured within the main Harley-Davidson site, the effort will emerge as a powerful means by which the…