Category: Web Services

  • This thing on?

    This thing on?

    If I did this right, then my blog is now on the Fediverse at — do the double at signs bother any else? @@

  • What can I say about OpenSocial?

    The blog world, along with my slice of the twitter world, is abuzz with attempts to understand, analyze, deconstruct, laud, and excoriate Google’s new OpenSocial initiative.

  • Answering danah's twitter questions

    In reply to apophenia: Twitter questions (curiosity is killing me…): > **First, the practical question. Can i quote you?** >[ ] Yes, and you *must* use my real name. >[ ] Yes, but please use a pseudonym and don’t use any identifying information. >[ ] No, please just use this for your own weird thoughts.…

  • Yet another friend metaphor (for twitter)

    So I just wasted, er, spent a half hour surfing twitter pages and poaching friends of friends. I noticed that I had a strong gut sense of who I felt it was ok to befriend, most of the time, but that it doesn’t necessarily map to people who are actually my friends or whom I’ve…

  • Getting hip to the yubnub hub bub

    My pal Ted Nadeau just hipped me to yubnub, which bills itself as a social command line for the web. It looks like an extremely powerful meta-syntax for accessing searches and other web services via unix-y looking shorthands, regular expressions, and mini-scripts. It also seems to have a very active community rapidly extending its capabilities.…

  • Speeding up the mobile web

    Mostly a note to myself: When I get a moment free I’m going to follow these instructions from OpenDNS: Instructions for faster DNS on your mobile. Seems at least worth a try.

  • Yahoo! Next lets you preview what's to come

    I stumbled across Yahoo! Next last night. Similar to Google Labs, this is a glimpse into what Yahoo! is working on. It’s a collection of some pretty nifty beta services. I particularly like the Open Shortcuts.

  • dashLicious

    Quoting from dashLicious: dashLicious is a Dashboard widget that “implements a post to your account on the fabulous web service created by Joshua Schachter. dashLicious is optimised for Safari and NetNewsWire users. When you enter into the dashboard dashLicious will automatically populate the url and description fields from either Safari or NetNewsWire (and will…

  • Technorati tags plug-in for MarsEdit

    The divine Laura Lemay has given us MarsEdit users a great shortcut for adding technorati tags as keywords. I’m going to add some as I post this (from a bookmarklet) and then reopen the post in MarsEdit to activate the key words. If and when it works, they will apear at the bottom of this…

  • My new blogchalking icon

    Finally customized my blogchalking icon. I never liked that spiky haired face as my blogchalking icon. I kind of like the tourist icon and the anarchy one is nice for livejournal users (ducking!). But I wanted to make one that kind of resembles me in my sloppy pixelated way. I just grabbed the gif I…