Tag: bookmarks

  • links for 2007-04-13

    About the Portland Form A method for writing Alexander-like patterns (tags: patterns design-patterns designpatterns pattern–languages pattern-writing) Not On This Wiki things the first wiki deliberately doesn’t support (tags: wiki html css moderation version+control)

  • links for 2007-04-12

    Moderation Strategies | Main / PatternLanguage Clay Shirky pattern library, largely focused on social patterns (tags: collaboration community design ia patterns socialsoftware wiki) Little Springs Mobile Pattern Library: Mobile User Interface Design Patterns A mobile user interface pattern library wiki originating from Chapter 6 of Designing the Mobile User Experience, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.…

  • links for 2007-04-11

    Design Patterns: An Evolutionary Step to Managing Complex Sites 2003 article from Jared Spool (tags: design design-patterns patterns pattern interface interaction ui) Snipshot: Edit pictures online just like it sounds (tags: photo editor web2.0 tools online photography photos) Collection: Design Patterns factoryjoe’s pattern collections (tags: designpatterns design-patterns design patterns webdesign ui inspiration) Noise Between Stations…

  • links for 2007-04-10

    Bayeux Tapestry animated (on YouTube) (tags: video medieval animation tapestry art craft) Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface ‘information’ pushes back against ‘interaction’ (tags: design article usability interface software programming graphics toread interaction information terminology concepts frameworks patterns)

  • links for 2007-04-09

    “Design Patterns” Aren’t Critique of the ‘Gang of Four’ style design patterns arguing that they are more mundane and less useful and inspiring than the Christopher Alexander (“original”) concept of patterns for architectural design. (tags: patterns metapatterns programming design architecture design-patterns)

  • links for 2007-04-07

    JesusPets If Jesus returns tonight, who will feed your pets tomorrow? (tags: sacrelicious religion humor pets funny jesus christianity) “Self-Googling” Isn’t Just Vanity; It’s a Shrewd Form of Personal “Brand Management,” Says UB Internet-Culture Expert – UB NewsCenter Alex Halavais bought his own name from adwords to track how often people google him. (tags: identity…

  • links for 2007-04-06

    Identity 2.0 i still don’t know dick, but i should (tags: identity web2.0 identity2.0 ID digital design openid socialsoftware presence digitalID)

  • links for 2007-04-05

    MonsterID [splitbrain.org] generate a unique monster avatar (tags: presence avatar monsterid avatars ID identity) graphpaper.com – Talking to Myself with SimulScribe christopher fahey recommends automatic voicemail transcription to email service (tags: voicemail voice transcription notes notes-to-self recommendations) Interaction Design Style (My IA Summit 2007 Presentation) christopher fahey’s brilliant presentation, apologia for style in design (tags:…

  • links for 2007-04-04

    stikkit Vander Wal recommends… (tags: productivity web2.0 tools notes lifehack)

  • links for 2007-04-03

    Podcasting Antipatterns (tags: antipatterns patterns)

  • links for 2007-04-02

    Hillside.net – Pattern Mining What knowledge would be lost to the company if I were to leave tomorrow? What do I know that I have done a thousand times that I think everyone already knows? (tags: patterns pattern)

  • links for 2007-03-28

    To-Don’t finally, an antidote to all the to do about nothing (tags: entertainment socialsoftware webapp) Identity 2.0 » AOL/AIM users now have an OpenID! (tags: openid identity presence)

  • links for 2007-03-22

    getluky.net » Understanding Avatars, Part 3: Samples fascinating insights into how we represent ourselves in games and social media (tags: sociology socialnetworking avatars presence identity socialmedia games) Twitter Fan Wiki – This is the unofficial place where Tw… (tags: twitter wiki socialnetworking social mashups hacks community presence socialnetworks socialsoftware) Wired News: Pentagon Preps Mind Fields…

  • links for 2007-03-21

    How to make custom Twitter groups (tags: twitter pipes mashup)

  • links for 2007-03-16

    TagCommons (tags: tagging folksonomy ontology tags community folksonomies SemanticWeb) Ontology of Folksonomy Yes, we agree, tags are cool. I am a big fan of collective intelligence, and have personally experienced the power of collaborative tagging. With my collaborators at RealTravel, we have built a “Web 2.0” product that has user contributed content, social n (tags:…

  • links for 2007-03-15

    The Poor Man Institute » It takes a nation of Borats to hold us back So to my mind, that’s the biggest problem: that so many people still don’t understand how the internet works, because they keep seeing it as one thing – an exact one-for-one copy of every person using it, rendered into smileys…

  • links for 2007-03-01

    xian on MyBlogLog (tags: shortcut:mybloglog pattern detective)

  • links for 2007-02-28

    Geek to Live: Supercharge your Firefox downloads with DownThemAll from Gina Trapani’s Amazon plog (tags: firefox add-on plugin lifehack batch download wildcard pattern)

  • links for 2007-02-02

    ConvinceMe: Three Ways to Argue Online via trn (tags: reputation debate democracy social argument socialnetwork socialsoftware) Interesting(ness) post from O’Reilly (tags: reputation Flickr Yahoo! yahoo socialmedia interestingness)

  • Mommy, what's a pattern library?

    Interaction Design Patterns — maintained by Tom Erickson (tags: Interaction patterns design usability HCI ui reference UX webdesign web interface language) UI Patterns and Techniques: About Patterns another ui pattern resource (tags: patterns ui-patterns webdesign design interface reference) Interaction design pattern – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: design patterns wikipedia interaction DesignPatterns interactiondesign informationarchitecture reference)…

  • links for 2007-01-29

    The History of XMLHTTP , and Patience – Nate Koechley’s Blog (tags: ajax xmlhttp xml outlook ria webapp webservice)