Tag: designing social interfaces
Let there be music
I’m embedding this Joe Russo’s Almost Dead show (which comes very highly recommended from musicologist Jake Cohen) into my blog here to illustrate how “badging out” works as an open strategy for distributing content socially:
Social Patterns II: The Social Interfacening…
It’s starting to feel like time to update ye old Designing Social Interfaces, so Erin Malone and I are talking to the kind editors at O’Reilly about doing a second edition. Because user experience, we are doing some research, including a survey. If you work with social interfaces, apps, websites, or experiences, please consider taking…
Perpetual Prototype
Neil MacDonald reviews Designing Social Interfaces at his site Perpetual Prototype: An Information Architecture Blog, writing If you are considering designing a site with social features, this book is a must read.
Lisbon, here we come!
The organizers of User Experience Lisbon have kindly invited me to come to Portugal next May (11-13), to teach a Designing Social Interfaces workshop. It looks like I’ll be in good company (this are just the folks they’ve announced so far):
Summit interview with Kent State’s Tom Froehlich
When I was in Phoenix for the IA Summit this year, I had the privilege of sitting down with Tom Froehlich of Kent State University’s information department (with Valerie Kelly behind the camera) for a chat about IA, design patterns, social design, and more: They also spoke with Donna Spencer, Andrea Resmini, Andrew Hinton, Luke…
Designing for Play slides from WebVisions 2010
Wow, WebVisions was amazing, as was Portland, and the hospitality of my friends there and the organizers of the conference. Thanks to everyone who made it possible! (I mean, Ukepalooza – say no more.) Here are the slides from my talk, Designing for Play: