Tag: personal expression platform
As promised
B’s new blog… I just posted about it at artsflow.
metaxian blog ping aggregation
I’ll be pinging this entry to see if I can get my other blog posts listed here automatically on the category page (x-pings).
People to whom I owe email replies
I am up to my ears on a project right now, with deadlines coming fast and furious, and I’m taking today off. I’m well aware of a number of pressing email messages in my in box awaiting my reply and I hope that my correspondents can forbear a while longer as I get my act…
Pacbell email down
My SBC Pacbell account’s email server is down at the moment. It’s this server that handles any mail to my widely known pobox.com forwarding adress, which is where most of my custom or vanity domains currently point. If the problem persists, I’ll redirect pobox to my minimal Earthlink account used for traveling (that I won’t…
Another attempt to ping the metaxian blog
Hate to do this, but there’s no other way. Technicalia, but not interesting. I’ll report if anything becomes interesting.
Still unpacking blogses
Having ceased posting new content to bodega, I haven’t exactly been tearing it up over here at x-pollen yet (which paid LJ users can add to their friend’s list as