Tag: politics
Political pr0n
The Rude Pundit is shockingly right about everything! (via The Little Teapot).
Salon covering 2004 election with new War Room blog
Scott Rosenberg announced the new War Room ’04 section of Salon, using a weblog format and incorporating contributions from across Salon’s staff. It’s not part of the Salon blog community in terms of rankings or updates, and it doesn’t (yet) appear to have an RSS feed, but it’s still a fairly kewl idea. Also, I…
Blogging the Democratic convention
Leading left blogger Kos says, in Bloggers at DNC convention: There is interest amongst individuals inside Democratic Party circles to do something special for bloggers at the Democratic Party convention. He invites suggestions about how bloggers can participate in the convention, beyond simply getting press passes. One suggestion from the comment thread attached to the…
Exploring DeanSpace
In order to help the DeanSpace people document their software package for would-be site developers, I figured it was necessary to, like, actually use the software myself. I got a domain name from sites.fordean.net and free hosting from Bruce Forkush, logged in as admin, and started flipping some switches and voila! Oakland for Dean lives.…
Weblogging's political lodestars
Tom Coates writes about the political compass postings that have been meme-ing their way through the blogosphere lately. I know I took the test and posted my results here sometime, but I’d have to use my search feature to find it, or take the test again to see if I’ve drifted or if the questions…
The blogging of the president, 2004
This sounds like a job for feedster: Chris Lydon wants us all to write The Blogging of the President. [Joho the Blog]