Tag: politics
Blogs briefing the press
Billmon think’s truly pathetic that journalists are getting their background on the Plame Affair from blogs, but one of his commenters points out that its the journalists who aren’t reading blogs who are harder to understand. It’s a great thread, not least because it includes this rewrite of Shakespeare by “Monica”: To the liberal blogosphere:…
Substantial blogging at Edwards site
Mike Kasper from EdwardsforPrez.com (an unofficial Edwards-supporter site) followed up my comment from a few days ago about John Edwards writing some of his own blog entries. I compared his first efforts to cat-blogging, in the sense of journal- or diaristic entries. I actually think that’s a good place to start and not a bad…
Edwards writing blog entries
Reading John Robb, I saw that John Edwards is now posting some entries directly to his campaign blog. No links out (not suprising) and mostly cat-blogging type diary stuff, but it’s a start.
Democratic party weblog
The Democratic National Committee has started a blog called Kicking Ass at the democrats.org site. I guess it beats faxing the talking points around, and I like the way they’ve jumped in with both feet. There’s no calendar or forward-and-back links from individually archived entries, so I can’t tell when the first post was. Most…
Bomb threat at Moscone
Well, I was sitting next to Ross Mayfield and across from Tim Bray in the speaker’s lounge at Seybold when they told us that a bomb threat had been called in to Moscone North and South (where the Oracle conference is taking place) so just to be safe they asked us to evacuate Moscone West…
Profile of Dean's blogger-in-chief
This Boston.com article (A hired gun who muses with fingertips) profiles Matt Gross, who first proposed to the Dean campaign that they should enliven their official web presence with a weblog. Incidentally, the Dean campaign if looking for a sysadmin (with a well specified skillset) willing to move to Burlington, VT, and work long hours…