Tag: politics
Weinberger for Dean
As noted in Art of the Possible (The Cluetrain Candidate), David Weinberger, the author, academic, and consultant behind JOHO the Blog and such influential volumes as The Cluetrain Manifesto (coauthor) and Small Pieces, Loosely Joined, has endorsed Howard Dean and formally joined his campaign staff as a senior adviser.
Fact-checking Frist's ass
Billmon, whose list of WMD-related quotations posted to his Whiskey Bar blog rocketed around the political web a month or so ago has tracked down a series of quotations from Senate leader Bill Frist that seem to contradict his more recent take on the reason we went to war with Iraq.
Who lost the WMDs?
Instead of accusing the governing U.S. and U.K. executive administrations of misleading, exaggerating, or even lying to the public about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, I’d rather stipulate to their existence, especially the chem and bio weapons that western countries helped him develop. I have another question entirely: Where are they? Have we indeed made…
Bill O'Reilly unites left and right
The loathsome, overblown, mendacious bullying TV host Bill O’Reilly has grabbed a tiger by the tail by using his mass-broadcast media pulpit to castigate the Internet. Bloggers of all stripes bite back.
Rusty Shackleford's revenge
Is evil Tom DeLay the inspiration for Hank Hill’s neighbor Dale Gribble on King of the Hill?
The only good terrorist
Orcinus hits the nail on the head (again). He was writing a while back about how Christian extremist terrorists in the U.S. are described as lone nuts or wackos and not identified as terrorists by the FBI or Justice Department. They are always treated as exceptional. I really don’t see the different between Eirc Rudolph…