Tag: the knife

  • A fresh chance to fork ourselves

    A fresh chance to fork ourselves

    Friday evening (of course) a new email went out, still visible to those of us wraiths whose devices continue to function as ersatz radio receivers, with the Good News! that the fork is back on. It’s not that they’re having trouble legally hitting their arbitrary and foolish firing targets, of course. Nor could it be…

  • One way or another

    One way or another

    Times like these can be oddly exhilarating. I’ve got more irons in the fire than fire right now. There seem to be new possibilities spinning up left and right. I know most ideas never come to full fruition but this period of biggest chaos and widest opportunity has its own sort of euphoric energy associated…

  • I miss the FOIA wave

    I miss the FOIA wave

    As we read about our clowntastic predatory regime conducting its war planning on unauditable untraceable private networks, I am reminded again of the training I got in info security, the handling of sensitive information, and the ethical expectations for federal employees. At 18F we worked in the open and welcomed scrutiny.

  • Sticking the landing

    Sticking the landing

    Hard to believe it’s been three weeks since the great 18F massacree. Hard to believe it’s only been three weeks. Hard to believe this administration has only been at it for eight weeks. Five more weeks to go of administrative leave. We keep meeting and making plans and helping each other stay organized and look…

  • Connecting dots

    Connecting dots

    I’m surely not the only person who’s had the clever idea of describing themselves on some form somewhere as a “dot connector.” In this period of diaspora as the team I was on goes into its second week of ghostly “administrative leave” paid to not work on our jobs, I am finding myself busier than…

  • Hope springs eternal

    Hope springs eternal

    I try not to amplify rumors even while lately most rumors I’ve been hearing have either come true or turned out worse than rumored. Especially now I don’t want to spread stories that may not be true or might actually be in flux right now. So I’m glad I didn’t report that people at TTS…

  • We have to stick together

    We have to stick together

    It’s Monday and I’m still drawing a paycheck but I’m on “administrative leave.” Still the muscle memory is strong and a bunch us held a standup to coordinate some immediate mutual aid and response activities. Later in the day the incumbent leadership team from 18F also connected to regroup, check in on each other, and…

  • The waiting

    The waiting

    Rumors fly. Those who know are not allowed to tell. Encouraging court cases proceed toward an uncertain terminus. Some days are quiet now. A little too quiet. Hypervigilance and anxiety reign. Scenes and schemes and artifacts from work invade our dreams. We hold hands, waiting for the meteor to hit.

  • What to expect when you’re expecting

    What to expect when you’re expecting

    Some interesting facts about federal reductions in force (RIFs):

  • Daily check-in

    Daily check-in

    I was reflecting on the calumnies being heaped on civil servants by professional grifters on the right. Electoral-vote.com this morning shared several comments from television, online, and elected hatemongers suggesting that people who work for the government are stealing taxpayer dollars and producing nothing. (No comment about Georgia congresspeople taking taxpayer dollars to spread lies…

  • Double secret probation

    Double secret probation

    After we spent most of Monday taking stock of the damage so far, wasting time responding to a nonsensical status report, and assessing the immediate impact of all this chaos and wasteful destruction on our ongoing project work with partner agencies, true to form we got an email blast after close of business on the…

  • Dunning-Kruger guide to micro management

    Dunning-Kruger guide to micro management

    As most of the online world knows, over the weekend a presidential adviser used his right-wing microblogging network to continue repeating all the plays he used to spoil the company behind it. This weekend it was another one of those ludicrous emails couched in weasel words with all the “macho” threats taking place at the…

  • It gets worse

    It gets worse

    Yesterday, I was telling my partner about three troubling things that were going on at work. The first was that our colleagues who had taken the deferred resignation offer, and the probationers who were let go outside of the normal process, were both told suddenly that they would be losing access at close of business…

  • One day at a time

    One day at a time

    I’ve been checking in with colleagues, peers, and mentors lately and when one asked me how I was handling things lately, I said “one day at a time” and she said something like that sounds like a good strategy. As if I have a choice! Still, there’s some wisdom in there. You can only game…