Tag: uxlx

  • In the public sector, what’s the product?

    In the public sector, what’s the product?

    UX Lisbon has now put up online their video of my closing talk from last year’s conference. I listened to it again this morning and I think it holds up and still captures how I feel about the work I am doing. I will be giving an updated and vastly briefer version of this talk…

  • Sketchnotes 2011

    Sketchnotes 2011

    Recently, my colleague Jerome Domurat showed me this bound collection of Eva-Lotta Lamm’s sketchnotes and I was pleased to be reminded of the beautiful one-pager she did of my “Playful Design” talk from UX Lisbon: Christian Crumlish: Playful Design at UXLX, a photo by evalottchen on Flickr.

  • Video of ‘Playful Design’ from UX Lisbon

    Video of my talk in Lisbon this past spring.

  • UXLx 2011 video passes available

    If you missed UX Lisbon this year, you can now a buy a pass that gets you access to more than six hours of video from the presenters, as excerpted in this UXLx 2011 highlights reel: At just under €50, that sounds like a bargain to me. Check it out!

  • ‘Playful Design’ at UX Lisbon

    Here are my slides from UX Lx. In the coming weeks, the video broadcast will be made available (for a small fee) at the UX Lisbon site, and sometime next year they will be shared freely in the ramp up to UX LX 2012.