Tag: war

  • Which world leader are you?

    What Famous Leader Are You? Bonus: Which rock band is your presidential candidate?

  • Vote for me this Sunday!

    From: “California Democratic Party” Dear Christian Crumlish, Thank you for applying to be a Male district-level delegate in Congressional District 9 for Howard Dean. This email is to inform you that we have received and processed your form. Your name has been forwarded to the Howard Dean Campaign for their caucus in Congressional District 9…

  • Hooray, hang out the flags

    Here comes President Kill again, surrounded by all of his killing men. Telling us who, why, where and when, President Kill wants killing again. Hooray, ring out the bells, King Conscience is dead. Hooray, now back in your cells, we’ve President Kill instead. Here comes President Kill again. Broadcasting from his killing den. Dressed in…

  • How to look presidential

    Stand in front of a bunch of American flags. now playing: “Lo And Behold!” by Bob Dylan & The Band [The Basement Tapes (Disc 1)]

  • Signs of the Apocalypse

    So the A’s are eliminated and we’re getting a new governor. (If Orren Hatch has his way Schwarzenegger can be president too. After that I guess the machines take over.) It’s looking more and more possible that there will be a Red Sox / Cubs world series, in which case Hell will probably freeze over…

  • Schwarzenegger is scary

    Last night I saw Arnold’s “Indian Gaming” ad and when he said, “I promise you, things will change” I suddenly realized that we are in fact a phantasm in the mind of Philip K. Dick, still transfixed by a sourceless beam of pink light, turning Hollywood into reality, one politician at a time. On the…

  • What is NewsMax?

    And why does it send me right-wing spam?

  • I cried tonight

    I was watching the Frontline documentary on how 9/11 impacted the religious faith of various people involved either directly (such as those who lost loved ones) or indirectly (the rest of us who were terrified by the diabolical spectacle) when a Conservative rabbi started singing a text with the intonations of a cantor, as if…

  • File not found

    This 404 error file makes good use of Comical Ali.

  • Saddam hussy?

    This Yahoo entertainment news and gossip article (Saddam Starred in Gay Porn Films!) reads like an Onion article or some disinformation, but who knows? Say, wasn’t Salam Pax reported to be a closeted gay man (I think I read that in the New Yorker) from a well connected family?

  • Morans

    Has everyone on the planet seen the morans picture by now?

  • Consensus on 'depleted uranium'?

    From the left (and from John Perry Barlow, recently) I keep hearing about how the U.S. and NATO use depleted uranium in their weapons, putting Iraqis (and others) at risk of radiation poisoning or genetic abnormalities. I also seem to recall scoffing at this or “debunking” of the danger from the right, but I don’t…

  • A (Maginot) line in the sand

    I’m no fan of the Nation Review, but this Jonah Goldberg image cracked me up: (In case you want to test the query, yes, it’s fake, but it’s still hilarious.)

  • Bush/White House comment line: 202-456-1111


  • Meme Trope Proof of Concept

    the alternative is to hold out for perfection and omniscience at the expense of writing