Category: Products

  • Blogger vs. LiveJournal

    Blogger vs LiveJournal: Looks like Blogger has matched LJ feature-for-feature, crabwalking into social networking at the same time (around the shared interests – I’d love to see Google’s internal maps drawn from that data).

  • Resist monoculture

    Weblogs Compendium – Blog Tools (via evanwolf group). I’ve got my test deployment of Scoop running. As soon as my book is put to bed I will start messing with it, but I’m really holding out for a groovy MT-to-RDF-to-Ftrain SiteKit migration tool. Ping lazyweb, somebody.

  • MT 3.0 beta about to start

    Do MT alpha testers automatically become beta tester’s in Six Apart’s upcoming beta test of Movable Type 3.0? Shouldn’t that link really have been to movable type dot org? Aren’t I supposed to be handing in Chapters 3, 5, and 6 in various states of undress tonight? Thank goodness my editor, Pete, has been doing…

  • Paging Dean Allen

    If you integrate Textpattern* with VoodooPad, I will babysit your soufflés. *which is already secretly a brilliant flexible database interface that uses the “list” metaphor that anyone with fingers can get…

  • Manic jag

    This week has been a trip. For example, last night the Dean rally at the hotel was so packed (it was like a Dead show in about six different ways – someone please remind me to explain this at another time) that I ended up retreating to the hallway and playing with my camera and…

  • Need help installing Scoop

    So close, and yet so far. The script for Scoop is pretty dang amazing. Here’s what apachectl says when I ask it to do configtest: PerlSetVar takes two arguments, Perl config var and value Whuzza? UPDATE: OK, that was dumb. If I’d followed the instructions I could have avoided the above error. Thanks to…