playin' head-cut-off chicken

insanity reigns. when was the last time i updated still breathing? – i guess i ought to since i have another theft to report! i must be getting sloppy, something to worry about. i’m a bachelor this week and in past years i’d have goofed off from my freelance life, and spent a lot of time on the hammock and looking for rents in the patchwork of my soul. this week i’m spending it insanely writing copy for a website client of a consultancy where i’m what they call a “content strategist,” while also helping to finish the recommended strategy for the clients’ user experience (i’m learning hell of jargon on a going forward basis), while also trying to get my act together for high sierra and my first kimogical fix in months. i haven’t danced with abandon in i don’t know how long.

i did recently get a bunch of cool snapshots turned into cd photos and i’ll post them at my site when i get a breather (ha!).

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