Kevin Holtsberry, who runs the popular Addicted to Blooks blogs, has “decided that it is too much of a pain in the butt to have three blogs.” He is combining his several blogs into his main weblog, Ideas, etc.
I hear that. As someone who spawns new blogs at the drop of a hat, my urge to recombine them into some superstructure that can be managed all from one interface grows stronger all the time.
Kevin will be using teasers and categories to help people navigate through his single aggregated blog to the specific content they are intereste din.
Meanwhile, you can help him out by updating your links to (though he might want to consider announcing the URL of the category archive page for his Addicted to Books category so that people who used to link to AtB can point there instead).
Speaking of help announcing a move, if you’d like to help me disseminate the new address of RFB, please consider posting a link in your blog informing your readers that our new address is and that the address of our RSS feed is now
I just noticed that BlogHog and probably Nuzee too haven’t made the transition over yet, so I probably need to notify their managers. I may have to talk to my highest-traffic referrers as well to make sure they are sending their readers to the right place.
Rarely a day goes by when I don’t get visitors from the Shifted Librarian’s “Sites I Read in My Aggregator” page, for example.
e to loyal readers of this site, I appologize but I think it will work out best.
Addicted to Books is moving
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