Christian Crumlish is…

I noticed Dave Winer posting about Googlism today and I’ve seen the reference riding up the meme charts but only realized after following his link that someone has wired up the Google api to automate the searching-for-“Your Name Here is”-and-posting-the-results-to-your-blog meme. (I did “xian is” at bodega back in June.)

cleaning up a few repeats, we see that Googlism has a fair idea of what I’ve been up to for the last five or so years, though not really in order:

  • christian crumlish is keeping track of this legal dispute in his impromptu the daily barbie site
  • christian crumlish is an author and consultant who’s been designing web sites since 1994 and using dreamweaver since it first appeared
  • christian crumlish is interested in representing books about technology
  • christian crumlish is known on the net as debussy fields
  • christian crumlish is the founder of enterzone
  • christian crumlish is the author dreamweaver savvy
  • christian crumlish is looking for pointers to philosophy
  • christian crumlish is not dead
  • christian crumlish is 5 or 6 or 7 storylines woven together
  • christian crumlish is a veteran macromedia products author and has teamed up with several other "vets" to make this new title very attractive
  • christian crumlish is setting up a new website
  • christian crumlish is coediting an anthology of writing and art from the web
  • christian crumlish is working on an article about bobby petersen and would welcome any insights into this poet and lyricist via e
  • christian crumlish is working as a hypertext agent
  • christian crumlish is a writer
  • christian crumlish is a
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