Digital Photo Fun on The Screen Savers

Tomorrow I’ll be going on TechTV’s The Screen Savers again, this time to demonstrate Dreamweaver’s Create Web Photo Album, which requires Fireworks and uses Javascript to pull together a quick and dirty set of web-album pages for any set of photos you point it at.
Looking forward to it! I’m going to bring my digital camera into the studio and try to snap some pictures before my segment and if possible use them for the demonstration.
They’ve also agreed to have me on again on September 3 to show how to use Dreamweaver to edit blog style sheets. If I have time, I’ll do both Blogger and Radio. Livejournal splits up its template code into many boxes so I don’t think there’s an easy way to show that. Movable Type would be cool too, but it would be similar to Blogger and Radio and I may not have time to show even two different blog tools’ templates.
I’ve got a version of tomorrow’s tutorial up on the web at my book’s site.

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