Fuzzy Rules!

Working on my list of Radio problems and wishes:

  • Switch from FTP and back left address/link artifacts
  • Themes rendered incompletely in categories/not updated fully
  • How did I fill up 10 meg so quickly?
  • Will I still be visible in the Salon Blogs community if I move over to my own host, and will I still be able to use the 10 meg I’ve paid for somehow (for jpgs)?


  • Is there a way to allow subscription via e-mail notification?
  • Is there a “mail this story” macro?

I’m reading the online documentation and support forums, but I found the answer to the first one in Fuzzy’s just announced online book:

If you change your publishing destination from radio.weblogs.com to FTP and then back to radio.weblogs.com, certain internal Radio links will not work, such as the Home link to the right of your editing window (under the Cloud Links section). These links seem to “get stuck” on the FTP location rather than recognizing the new destination for your blog.

fix for this is available here:



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