Independent journalist blogging his way back to Iraq

Former AP and New York Daily News reporter Christopher Allbritton publishes the Back to Iraq blog, through which he is attempting to raise money to send himself back to northern Iraq.
Here’s part of his pitch soliciting support for his independent journalistic mission:

This summer I went stumbling around Iraqi Kurdistan, the northern part of Iraq outside Saddam’s direct control, looking for stories. (Some might call it “looking for trouble.”) Well, now I want to go back in time for the war. So I’m asking your help in supporting independent journalism! Send me back to Iraq to report on what’s happening.

In the meantime, Allbritton isn’t sitting around waiting for an airlift. He’s covering his beat, blogging link-rich entries about the war with al Qaida and the developing conflict with Iraq.
So if you’re looking for an independent voice and viewpoint from someone who’s been “in country” and hopes to be there again soon, bookmark Back to Iraq and consider chipping in to get him over there.

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