October 5 weblog panel in Chicago

All About Weblogs announces an upcoming program on October 5, at 2 pm, at the Sulzer Branch of the Chicago Public Library at 4455 N. Lincoln Ave.:

I’ll explain what a weblog is, what types and genres of weblogs exsist, taking the audience on a short tour to a few of my favorites. I’ll explain some simple ways to find blogs that you might be interested in, and ways to track them. I’ll also briefly cover how to start you own, and offer some tips for running one. … [W]e will have a panel of some smart local webloggers who will discuss what blogging has done for us, what it’s done for the Web, and what it can do offline. These and deeper questions will be discussed by a panel which will include AKMA, from AKMA’s Random Thoughts, Dan Hartung of Lake Effect, Jim McGee of McGee’s Musings. They’ll be few more as well…. [T]his promises to be the largest gathering of Chicago bloggers ever assembled.

Sounds fun. I’m sure many will blog it for the rest of us, right?
All About Weblogs is a new blog by kiplog. I’d have used a permalink above, but currently it gets an error, implying that perhaps the archives have never been published.

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