Posting Experiment via LiveJournal Client

I’m tired of having to generate a new editing window every time I want to link to someone, write something, or edit something. I just made RadioExpress! pop up its editing window in a new window because I want to link to several URI’s in one entry and otherwise RE! takes over the window I was just in. But I’d rather just have one import sitting somewhere on my desktop when I need it, and then if necessary I could add the metadata I want.

So this time I’m actually writing this post in my LiveJournal client for OS X (iJournal).

[Digression: I’m getting a lot of flow right now from Scot Hacker’s article at O’ReillyNet about choosing blogging software for UCBerkeleyJ-School’s IP Weblog class. Since Dave linked to Scot this morning and suggested he look at Manila, that flow has more than doubled. It was Scot who first turned me on to LiveJournal. Scot heard about LiveJournal because there was a BeOS client developed for it and Scot wrote the BeOS Bible (I am oversimplifying, but hey! this is a digression). LiveJournal is open source and there seems to be a lot of voluntary effort going at least into developing client’s for multiple platforms. I know the Blogger API is being used as a lingua franca right now, but it doesn’t support entry titles, which I use 99.99% of the time. I can’t use w.bloggar because I’m based on a Mac, and it uses the Blogger API anyway, right? MovableType and Radio (/Manila/Frontier) also both have vigorous communities contributing a lot of volunteer efforts to extend their basic feature sets. OK, end of digression.]

So the Radio Multi-Author Weblog tool is going to pick up this message (including, I’ve noticed, the Tune and Mood choices if I’ve used them, but not the picture I’ve assigned to the entry, which is just as well) and add it to the x-pollen category.

Then, I’ll go in to edit and check the box to include this entry on the home page. By now, if you’re reading this from Radio Free Blogistan, I’ll have already done that.

If I wanted to use the iJournal client just for RFB and not for bodega or artsflow (my livejournal blogs — I also belong to a community weblog at LiveJournal called celticmyths). I could delete the message or make it private after Radio’s RSS feed aggregator picks it up. Or I could set up a new livejournal in obscurity and use it just as a way-station for posts from this client.

One curious thing, when I was adding the links above (it’s too distracting to fuss with HTML or even gui widgets when trying to form prose), at one point I repeatedly pasted in the link to Scot’s article instead of to Dave’s permalink, dyslexically grabbing the intro link instead of the octothorpe


One last total non sequitur (more in the spirit of bodega): Did anyone get the setlist for Camper Van Beethoven Saturday at the Great American Music Hall or Sunday at Slim’s? I’d like to write a little review of Saturday’s show but it would be nice to have a setlist to check my memory.

Some memorable highlights off the top of me head, no particular order: Eye of Fatima (Parts 1 and 2), Sweethearts, Sad Lover’s Waltz, Tusk (the Fleetwood Mac song), Interstellar Overdrive, I Was So Wasted, We’re a Bad Trip, Tania, All Her Favorite Fruit, She Divines Water, History of Utah (my unfinished—okay, unstarted—novel about the late ’80s in San Francisco is called History of Utah), Take the Skinheads Bowling, Pictures of Matchstick Men, Waka, Turquoise Jewelry, hey, it’s all coming back, almost, Good Guys and Bad Guys, One of These Days. That’s not all, but my brain is now dry.

Wished they’d played: Life is Grand, Seven Languages.

postscript: Ironically, I forgot to close a link tag and now have to edit the post on two servers.
Current Music: The Fire::Television::Adventure

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