gathering together Open Publishing’s books for the past year. it got much easier to do the accounting for my small business after i stopped using my personal checking account for it. got 12 other pressing things on my to-do list, but life seems to be easing up a little. i smell the light at the end of the tunnel. i should have the whole ms. in by the end of next week. then i have a week of just correction and updating stuff (muuuuch easier). and then i’m in new orleans for jazzfest, and then after being home for less than 2 days i’m off to new york, new jersey (lawrenceville), and back to new york again, to visit (haven’t been back since 911) and also to drop in on a few publishers to promote one my very few fiction clients (don’t ask me). this means i’ll be in town for arthur the taurus’ (arturotaurus?) birthday. big fun is guaranteed for all. maybe i’ll even deal with that little slip hanging over my head in brooklyn.
prophets and laws
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