pushing the cryptical envelope

in my spare time (that’s a joke, son), i’ve been pulling together a paper for an academic conference in Albuquerque this weekend, the Southwest/Texas Popular Cultural Association. not to be confused with SXSW, something i should probably be doing instead this year, but i think b would kill me if i went to conferences in january, february, and march!

somehow, deadheads have found their most receptive hearing among scholars in the southwest. this will be my second time attending specifically for the sequence of panels related to study of the Grateful Dead, though maybe this time i will broaden out and see what the rest of the conference, or at least the other pop music-related papers are about. it’s the decline of western civilization’s canon as we know it, and i feel freud.

anyway, my paper is sort of about how the dead were careless and mildly pranksterish about song names and other liner material, wreaking semi-unintentional havoc with their fans’ ability to obsess textually.


listening to a mix tape made by my next brother, a. it features the iron two-headed hohenstaufen eagle in reference to my alter ego, Baron von Krinkenglaubnen.

mostly captured off the radio i suspect. the previous cut was some wired guys going “wonderful wonderful, wonderful wonderful” with too much enthusiasm, and the next was a bolero with the lyric (phonetically) “re-tour-nur-eye” over and over. now it’s “hey, hey, hey” on the conference. mediterranean pop (he was living in Greece) in the mold of the beatles’ take of ‘a taste of honey’.
here’s his setlist:

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good eh?
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