Qual Tour (is this a guest editor?)

Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality  


Pesky the Rat has the inside information regarding the John Ashcroft “War on Redwoods.”


Over at Reflections, Daniel Dolinov makes a number of unflattering remarks about mega-star Babs. I’d have to say that anyone who has ever seen “Yentel” and not been profoundly touched must have a heart of stone.


And the bitchiness just keeps on, It must be a Monday thing. The Raven has the unmitigated gall to poke fun at our nation’s fine Education Majors. A typical jab: At the end of a four-year program of study, the Ed Major can produce astonishingly meaningless statements like, “The facilitator structures the learning environment to meet the needs of a diverse population of learners.”


She’s Actual Size is trying out a new feature which she threatens to make a regular: Cocktail Hour. I’ll drink to that.


What not to eat at Cocktail Hour. Urban Kayak, the weblog from Korea, discusses Ulysses and Lord of the Rings, but the thing that really caught my attention was the mention of Squid Jerky. Boy, howdy!


We’ve had blog novels, blog fantasies, and blog haiku, but I believe Standing Room Only is the first to weigh in with a play. The first scene of act 1 of “The Goddess” is online today.


You are certainly welcome to visit Secular Blasphemy, but I’m posting this link from Jan in it’s entirety: Google spin of the day For HP Lovecraft fans: Cthuugle!


The Salon Blog Death Watch: It’s time to say goodbye to Ten Miles From Disneyland. This poor blog lived for only two days,  July 25-26, 2002, and yet managed to rack up a very respectful 738 hits. Final words: “Nine tons of squid washed ashore in La Jolla, California + Thousands of residents flock to the beech with Marinara sauce and lemon wedges.



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