Start at the beginning, proceed through the middle to the end, and then stop

Diane E. is ending her Letter from Gotham blog and plans to remove it from the Web (so the preceding link may not work).
I’m not sure why she wants to remove it, but her reasons for ending it are clear: she’s finished. Like everything else, a blog can have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
She is not antiblogging, though as her “Fare Thee Well” post from November 14 makes clear:

Dear Unique Readers:

I have decided to stop blogging. I have also decided to remove the blog from the web, once I motivate myself to download my archives, which should be tonight. I’m a snap-decision-maker. Like the dancer I once was, I’ve decided to hang ’em up for good.

To those of my readers who have flirted with the idea of starting their own blog I’d recommend it heartily. Give it a go. Go until you reach the end. Then stop.


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