That's 'Swami' to You


From the United Airlines Mileage Plus signup web page, a fantastic list of possible “titles” – name prefixes in a pull down menu:

Note: I removed the form element, because it was breaking Radio’s aggregator, losing me at least one subscriber! Here are the titles listed in the pull-down menu (which you can still see by following the link from this post:

Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss, Dr, 1sgt, 1st Lt, 2nd Lt, Adm, Baron, Baroness, Bishop, Brig Gen, Brother, Capt, Cardinal, Cmdr, Cmst, Col, Count, Countess, Cpl, Cpo, Dean, Duchess, Duke, Elder, Ens, Father, Fleet Adm, General, Governor, Gysgt, Hon, Imam, Judge, Lady, Lcpl, Lord, Lt, Lt Cmdr, Lt Col, Lt Gen, Lt Jg, Ma, Major, Major Gen, Mcpo, Mgysgt, Minister, Monsignor, Most Rev, Mother, Msgt, Mstr, Pastor, Petty Off, Pfc, Po1, Po2, Po3, President, Prince, Prof, Pvt, Rabbi, Rear Adm, Rev, Right Rev, Scpo, Senator, Sfc, Sgt, Sgtmaj, Sir, Sister, Smn, Smn1, Smst, Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sr, Sra, Srta, Ssgt, Swami, Tech Sgt, Very Rev, Vice Adm

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