
Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality ;

I’m feeling much better now. Not cranky at all. I found my Prozac, and also located my little yellow ones. Today is Friday, and I do raise a toast to all of you Weekend Warriors, unless you happen to work in the service industry, in which case I say hey now!

The very weird Googobits has a heavily linked farewell to Victor Herbert, a scientist known for his work on dietary deficiencies. (I like Googobits. May I be in there when I die?).

Our friend Maxine has been kissed by an angel — the Queen of Xanga, VeryModern. Newer readers should go and check both of them.

In atonement for many of the terrible deeds that I have committed recently while my personalities have kind of slipped in and out of place — not that it’s been a problem giving you objective coverage — let me just say that I very much like Miguel Octavio’s weblog, no matter what the name

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