Video kill the bloggio star?

As a writer, I am ambivalent about mediablogging and the old vidphone idea mixed with a kind of public-access Wayne’s World media future, but mobile blogging (moblogging?) — which seems to be the meme of the moment in metablogging circles — seems more appealing. Just as I’ve always liked carrying a notebook around to capture thoughts, overheard real-world dialogue, sketches, and so on, mobile blogging promised to feed my instant-gratification jones. Though I’m not sure I’ll read my car’s blog.
This morning’s reverie sponsored by Reverse Cowgirl’s i want my BlogTV post today, in which she muses:

it occured to me while reading Justin Hall’s “From Weblog to Moblog” that it would be interesting to Wi-Fi live-blog the upcoming attempt to turn the Reverse Cowgirl’s Blog into a cable-TV show from the field when we begin shooting the Lo-Fi “pre-pilot” in early December.

the ideal way to do this, of course, would be via Radio Userland video-blogging technology, something that, one would imagine, will be offered down the line, thereby converting this blogger from Roving Sexpert

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