x-pollen hub coming together

I’m working through the logjam at my web server, having just set up the DNS for some new domains: antiweb.net, x-pollen.com, radiofreeblogistan.com, and a few others. Still need to restart the server to get the new virtual hosts working, set up cgi access where needed. A few need new usernames, permissions, or email forwarding set up.
It’s like the summer is ending and my attempt to do nothing for a while has succumbed to first finishing the book and now promoting it (on TV again next week), working on my new blog-about-blogging, and the attempt to get another book deal or some other kind of project to work on (or, as a last resort, a new job).
At least I’m enjoying the ride. About x-pollen: I want it to be the central aggregation hub for anything I publish online. Nice clean design, multiple feeds, easy to read, easy to filter or search. Slowly I’m geting this PEP vision in place.

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