XTREME Salon blogs!

Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality

There’s an odd event to describe — it looked as though the Paulapalooza web site was destined for the dreaded Death Watch, when suddenly, yesterday, they received a multitude of traffic. But they only pulled up three ticks from the abyss, and two of those were mine. What’s up with that? Oops. Forgot to link.

More astonishing news: Fried Green al-Qaedas (temptation strikes: why not add a link to FGAQ?) was the target of an actual valid Google search today, with someone landing on our pages looking for Molly Harvey, the Resident with an actual name. Ah, blogs, time passes so quickly. To find the article, go here.

Andrew Bayer writes about the Stan Lee / Marvel Comics rip-off.

Missed in passing: Contemplative Muse has posted a few times now, yet I’ve never seen her till today. (SALON! How bout a 24 hour update clock?) Yay! Another D.C. person! Have to admit to never reading about Coriolanus before — and it was interesting — but my stupid mind kept going Cornholio.

The Raven goes XTREME!

Kat Donahue reviews the latest and greatest music videos.

salonika — no you can’t find it on your radio dial — is an attempt by Radio Free Blogistan to help create a Salon Community (God knows, Salon ain’t interested). If you write something about that relates to said community, you might be interested in contributing. Visit to find out how.

Emphasis Added writes about the talented and tainted Gary Hart.

I was excited, I admit it. I try, God knows I try to read Rene Hoornweg’s Blog. This reviewing thing is hard. Today I thought I had it. “Over een man’s beste vriend. En dan bedoel ik geen hond.” A dog is man’s best friend. The nicest are the big green hounds. Right? No. It’s just a review of ‘A Cultural History of the Penis’.

Oh, well…

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