A day without blogging

Since I started Radio Free Blogistan last July I’d managed to post at least one entry every day, until yesterday. Since I use RFB to aggregate blog posts to a number of different sites, this means that RFB had a continuous calendar running back to its first day. I was kinda proud of this although for sure there must have been some days with just a single post of indifferent quality. Finally, yesterday, life caught up with me. Besides suffering from a particularly nasty flu, I also had a meeting at a client’s office, grocery shopping, and ultimately picking up B at the airport last weekend on her return from an environmental conference in Baltimore. Plenty to post about but no time to do it.
So now my unbroken streak is broken, but that relieves some of the pressure to always have something to say every day. I think daily blogging is a good practice for me. As a writer it means that I write something every day. Sure, there’s always email, notebooks, etc. I doubt a day has gone by for several decades when I didn’t write something, but with blogging the writing is explicitly for public consumption, which imposes its own kind of discipline.
I guess the goal now is to extend a new streak for longer than the approximately nine month of one that just ended.

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2 responses to “A day without blogging”

  1. Scot Hacker Avatar

    You and Frank Boosman are brothers in arms.

  2. Frank Boosman Avatar

    For shame, Christian. For shame!