Attributions in a multiauthor Radio weblog

I aggregate feeds from a number of other blogs to my x-syndicate category automatically using Radio’s multiauthor weblog tool.
So far so good.
When I want the post to include an attribution to the source blog I usually type it in. I could make a shortcut for it, but I haven’t, and there are several possibilities. But I’ve gotten tired of dealing with it that way, so I posted a question at Userland’s discussion board for Radio.
Quick as a wink, Lawrence Lee posted some code I can add to the item template for the category fed by the multiauthor tool:
[<%local (postNum=<%paddedItemNum%>); string (weblogData.posts.[string.padWithZeros (postNum, 8)].sourceName)%>]
Thanks, Lawrence! I’ll be testing it out soon.
It looks like this approach will lose the attribution whenver I “promote” an aggregated post to my home page, but it’s still better than nothing.

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