After starting a flatfile online journal in 1997, dabbling with pitas as a collaborative writing space with syrup, and writing a short-lived sequel to breathing room at diaryland, s finally twigged me to blogger, and shallows (aka, shallow breathing) was my first abortive attempt at using this new kind of weblog-posting tool. Definitely a false start, but there’s some naive enthusiasm there, getting a hit of the blog bug.
I’m posting via the old backend one more time to force out an export file of the handful of posts there, so I can import them into X-POLLEN for posterity. I’ll give them their own category, as I did with the bodega posts, and see how they fit into the overall flow. I wanted a link from here to X-POLLEN for anyone in the future who might be trying to follow this path forward instead of backward, but I already set this up to output the MT export style, but who knows maybe I’ll rig it back up one more time to psit out at xianlandia before killing off the Blogger version of this thing. (Why not, the original will be archived at the old address, the entries join my concatenated archive, and otherwise it’s just taking up space on Blogger’s free servers and bloating their user numbers?)
(For the time being the most recently imported entries are the earliest ones in the blog, starting with this one.)
Blog journal artifact 2000
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4 responses to “Blog journal artifact 2000”
Migration update (Blogger to MT again)
Just migrated a set of online journal entries made with Blogger in 2000 into my X-POLLEN weblog. This leaves a gap from late 2000 until January of 2002. What was I doing inbetween? Riding a dotcom all the way down, working on a novel I still haven’t fi…
I’m barely getting an inkling of more sophisticated means of blogging. I found you via bodega on LJ, but have to say, even though I’m fairly technical I am finding it hard to follow.
Is X-POLLEN a tool you wrote or a tool that’s widely available? Any recommendations how I can clear this muddle?
I realize that once I get into these things it quickly turns into a swirl of unfamiliar terms, etc. How did you find Bodega? What were you looking for?
You asked, “Is X-POLLEN a tool you wrote or a tool that’s widely available? Any recommendations how I can clear this muddle?”
No, X-POLLEN is just the name of my personal weblog, which is a successor to Bodega. Bodega ran on LJ, as you know, and X-POLLEN runs on Movable Type, which is the weblog-tool I’m standardizing as much of my online content publishing on as possible at this time. Does that help?
It makes sense to ME — since I just started a new non-tech war/ poli blog. (I’m still on MT 2.63, any reason to go to 2.64?).
And I came here from your RFB, since I’m looking at the tech side of the blogosphere.
I’d like you to tell me/ point me at why you’re switching from Radio to MT? Did you look at other tools?