Bruce Sherin has a weblog

Bruce Sherin, one of the funniest people I’ve ever met (and that’s saying a lot), has a new weblog with the incredibly original name Bruce Sherin’s Weblog.
Back in 1995, Bruce created Dr. Kovaks’ MicroWeb for Enterzone. I was surprised to see that someone had actually blogged the I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter question and answer page there.
As he says in his first post, “The basic theory is that this will consist pretty much entirely of drivel.”
He’s currently posting his items in chronological order, not reverse-chron, so you need to scroll down to see the latest.
I’ve subscribed to his RSS feed (the feeds listed on this page are not in synch with my actual subscriptions since I’ve stopped using Radio entirely – I need a new system to publicize my subscriptions.)
Anyway, three entries so far and he cracked me up three times.

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