As promised, I’m going to post my photos from the Scoble-rific burger dinner and drinks event from Saturday night. I’ve discarded the worst shots but IANAP, so the remaining ones still kinda suck, at least some of them do. Apologies in advance for people caught blinded by the flash or otherwise washed out or turning their head some silly-looking way.
Here are some thumbs (with alt text, natcherly) that link to larger images:
![]() I am curious, yellow |
![]() I am curious, blue |

Marc Canter looks for an Atkins-friendly option (he and Chris Pirillo talked about starting a group blog for low-carb people).
The Big Table
OK, I recognize Chris, Gretchen, and Dave. I’m drawing a blank on the other names…
A view of both tables… more names to fill in
Multiconversation multitasking
Dave wanted us to sing a song. I suggested ‘Freebird’. That went over like a lead balloon. We never sang anything.
Out in the hoegarden behind Coyote, it looks like Chris must have said something amusing or bemusing
Sadly, this is the best shot I got of the meeting of the minds (Dave and Ev). I knew it wasn’t great but that flash was plain annoying. Pirillo got a much sweeter shot, visible from his blog.
Gnome-girl (Cheyenne) and Tantek (thanks for the ID, Gretchen), and Lori (right?), looking hip
Amy and her new friend, Lynn, whom we assimilated
I avenge the other attendees with this horrible self-portrait
The party gets another center of gravity when Raines arrives (that’s Tara Sue in the back up there)