Clarifying the freeing of Blogger Pro

I was a little confused by the news announcements about the end of a fee-based Pro version of Blogger and folding in of most of the Blogger Pro feature set into free Blogger.
I emailed Steve Jenson a few questions and, though he was on vacation at the time, he graciously passed them along to Jason Shellen who told me Google plans to offer syndication to all users relatively soon and is working on the email features as well.
In the meantime, existing Blogger Pro users retain the use of the full feature set, but Google is not supporting new signups to Pro. Existing Blogger users can enjoy a large portion of the advanced features (hey, titles!), but will have to wait for syndication.

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One response to “Clarifying the freeing of Blogger Pro”

  1. Frank Patrick Avatar

    Now if they could only add some commenting as well.