Friday is 'Fair and Balanced' day

In one of his least gonzo weblog posts ever, Neil Pollock, the world’s greatest living writer steps up to defend Al Franken against Fox News:

Nonetheless, it’s the policy of this website to rise to the aid of satire whenver it’s threatened, even if the threatened satirist is three links above it on the comedy food chain. Therefore, I declare this Friday a day of emergency protest.

Yes. This Friday, August 15, is Fair And Balanced day on the Internet. You are all hereby instructed to use the words Fair And Balanced in very creative ways on your various websites. My cosponsor in this effort, Atrios, informs me that many of you are already using “Fair And Balanced” in your taglines. Very good. Sometimes, I swear you don’t even need instructions from me. But we can go further. Tell Fox News to take its Fair And Balanced slogan and shove it up its Fair And Balanced hole. Feel free to be more subtle than that, if you wish.

Hmm, I have had my most recent tagline for quite a while now and I like to rotate ’em after all, but I kind of like it. Maybe I can find another way to be “fair and balanced” on Friday.

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One response to “Friday is 'Fair and Balanced' day”

  1. Teal Sunglasses Avatar

    Fair and Balanced day.

    Friday is Fair and Balanced Day on the internet. In honor of Fox’s ludicrous lawsuit against Al Franken’s new book. I wasn’t planning on it, but now I expect to buy a copy of this book, just to piss Fox off. And in the spirit of Fair and Balanced day,…