IranFilter: English-language group weblog

Hossein Derakhshan (better known as ‘hoder’) of Editor: Myself posted an announcement to Blogroots about a new project, iranFilter, writing:

iranFilter is a collective weblog in English, focused on news, reports and everything one can find about Iran on the Internet. Although the name can’t be more cliché, honestly, I couldn’t come up with a better and easier name which showed the type of content one expects to see in the website. It’s my latest project after Blogs x Iranians portal (with more than 300 pageviews per day), and the sister website for iranFilter, but in Persian, named Sobhaneh (meaning Breakfast in Persian, with more than 4,000 pageviews everyday). Both iranFilter and Sobhaneh are run by MetaPhilter 1.42 which is a fantastic and easy-to-use CMS, except that it’s little bit slow.

Since turning Radio Free Blogistan into a group weblog, I’ve been paying more attention to various ways of combining or aggregrating weblog contributions, such as Michael Josephson’s new WELL Members’ Blogs project, which uses Mark Pilgrim’s ultra-liberal Python feed parser to serve up latest entries from a small starter set of blogs from WELL users. (WELLbeings can drop by the blog.ind conference to submit their RSS feeds to Michael for inclusion on the page.)
I’d like to do something similar for Salon blogs and for other groupings I can think of.



