Jarvis posts full text of Denton interview

At BuzzMachine, Jeff Jarvis has posted the complete transcript of his interview with the New York Times reporter who wrote the article the other day about Nick Denton’s nanopublishing empire.
It’s nice to get the complete context for Jarvis’s comments, not that he was quoted out of context or anything. Here’s a snatch:

JARVIS: Weblogs are hobbies for some and businesses for others. What makes them work as a medium is that so many people care so passionately about publishing – about finally having a voice, a medium, and an audience – that they do it for free; it is their labor of love. That attracts the critical mass of audience and buzz that makes this new medium work; that is the proof of concept. Then some can come along and create businesses. If they keep those businesses and their ambitions small, they absolutely can succeed. And the definition of business success is simple once again: It’s profitability.

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